Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Mirror Art Group!

A partial view of the Mirror Art Group Headquarters

This is the main eco-tours office where we can access internet 24/7. It is amazingly helpful when we want to skype with our parents or update the blog. It gets pretty full after dinner - seating is prime!

Here is where we eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Everyone piles onto these mats (without shoes of course) and enjoys the delicious meal. The cooks are Korean and make amazing food! I hope to start helping them more in the future.

Even though there is a resident washing machine, it is often broke, occupied, or takes forever. I have only attempted to do laundry once and I ended up handwashing everything. This photo is of our drying facilities.

James's living quarters consist of a concrete block with a thin mattress. There are currently four males occupying this space.

The male bathroom is not as nice as the women's, but it works. Cold bucket showers and non-flushing toilets occupy the same space. No shoes allowed!

As both James and I have mentioned before, the women's living quarters are much nicer than the males mud hut....although their's is cooler during the day. The twin house currently holds 16 female volunteers in a bunk style setting. My bed is in the way back against the window.

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